Unigraf is working for a more functional future – their core competence is in creating tools to test the technology of the future. With Unigraf’s latest test tools, video electronics manufacturers can ensure that your future products that use DisplayPort, USB-C, and HDMI connect to standards and are manufactured properly.
The renewal of their online service became topical when the old website began to employ too many people in Unigraf’s marketing team and updating it was frustratingly slow. Further development of the old platform was no longer possible, so it was time to choose a replacement solution that better scaled to the needs of the company and that would achieve the set goals in lead generation and inbound offer requests.
WordPress & WooCommerce was chosen as the platform. The combination’s prevalence, easy customizability, and cost-effective further development opportunities had the biggest impact when comparing between different solutions. The ability to expand e-commerce later to direct purchases still remains an interesting option.
In the website overhaul, we created a customized WordPress-based B2B online store that relies on several advanced customisations beyond the core functions of WooCommerce. These include e.g.
- a request for quotation tool that compiles shopping cart selections into an offer request
- customer accounts for lead generation; when you register you will see list prices for products
- customer-specific corporate accounts that include unique product collections and downloadable materials
- a reseller extranet with downloadable sales materials, instructions, videos, and pictures
- dynamic product archive filtering and retrieval (React)
In addition, a separate Hong Kong-based country version for the Chinese market has been created for the new website, ensuring visibility in mainland China.
Check out Unigraf’s B2B WooCommerce Online Store.