Pride: It’s not better, it’s not worse, it’s just different.


Pride is a time of celebration. To celebrate those who have fought for the rights of the LGBTIQ community, to celebrate those who still do, or simply to celebrate how far society has come to accept people for who they are.

Pixels and its founding team have always held tolerance, inclusion and the right to be yourself as fundamental to our ethos as a company and more importantly, as individuals. Each of us come from a vastly different background, and as a team we are proud to see that as an advantage, not a hinderance.

As a studio that designs brands, we always tell our clients that your brand needs to be a truthful representation of your organisation. Changing our own brand to show our support for Helsinki Pride Week is more than merely jumping on the bandwagon, but rather a show of support for our team, their families and their friends. It is a chance for us at Pixels to show those we love that we love them for who they are, no matter what that might be.

We hope everyone enjoys this wonderful celebration both locally at Pride Week in Helsinki and throughout the world, and to remember always, LGBTIQ or not, it’s not better, it’s not worse, it’s just different.